Stubby holders are very common all around Australia and can be a great promotional tool for small business owners. Essentially, they are designed to keep your hands warm when you’re holding a cold drink. It’s perfect for holding beer or other beverages that may be freezing and are simply too cold for direct contact. Stubby holders generally come in two different designs- a wrap-around holder or one where you can place a drink inside of the stubby.
These days, more and more companies are giving away printed stubby holders for free as a way of advertising their business. Companies are including their logo, slogan, and contact details on the holders and this is creating a lot of engagement between small businesses and consumers. Even if you’re operating a relatively small business, you’ll still be able to benefit from what printed stubby holders have to offer. They have a nice large print area so you can fit a lot of information on them.
Why Are Stubby Holders Great For Promoting Businesses?
First off, it is important to keep in mind that printed stubby holders are very popular, and are often seen ta major sporting events (with the Rugby World Cup being one of them). Due to their immense amount of popularity, a business owner would be able to expose their brand to hundreds of thousands of potential clients- all for a relatively low investment. Stubby holders can be used by children as well and can come in a wide array of color schemes to suit any occasion. They do work for soft drinks too I am told!
Other Reasons to Use Stubby Holders
You can print anything on your stubby holders including your logo, contact information, and any other personal message that you want to convey to your followers. You can promote upcoming products, services, sales, and even let your customers know about a new store location. For the small business owner, this is your chance to utilize mobile advertising in a way that doesn’t require a lot of start-up money.
And getting your printed stubby holders into the hands of consumers is quite easy. You can opt to give them away at trade fairs, business conventions, and even student festivals. Since you’ll more than likely be purchasing them in bulk, you can take advantage of huge discount savings when you purchase thousands of customized stubby holders for your small business. Plus, giving them to your customers doesn’t cost anything. Flat pack stubbies make great mail out items.
Effective and Budget-Friendly Promotional Tool
No matter what kind of business you’re currently operating, you’ll almost certainly increase profits if you learn how to effectively promote your products and services. Fortunately, printed stubby holders make this incredibly simple. Keep in mind that these are tools that are going to be used by thousands and thousands of individuals.
Not only will the person holding the stubby holder be reminded of your brand but so will the people around them. It is one of the most effective promotional methods out there at the price offered. Remember that other advertising tools like balloons or brochures tend to have short lifespans and will usually end up in the garbage. Stubby holders last a long time too. They are also mobile, people may take them to a BBQ and leave behind.
Parting Thoughts
Incorporating your business’s logo on your printed stubby holder can really give your company that promotional drive needed to increase profits. It doesn’t require a lot of money to do and you’ll be provided with neat, visually appealing, and practical promotional tools to give out at trade conventions and business seminars.
When using these tools, make sure that you make your logo as big and as bright as you can. This will increase your chances of making a subliminal impact on viewers and should ultimately increase loyalty between you and your followers. Printed stubby holders are cheap, effective, and should be considered by all small business owners as a form of promotion.