Quick response or QR codes have been around since about 1992, but have only recently become an effective advertising medium with the continued popularity of smart phones and apps designed to easily read the codes. A survey done near the end of 2011 showed that over 20 million cell phone owners scanned QR codes over [...]

In general, non-profit organizations don’t have the funding nor the staff to handle the marketing strategies that larger companies are able to afford. Fortunately, the Internet has provided them with a huge advantage for acquiring more exposure. In the following sections, we’ll talk about a few effective marketing strategies for non-profit organizations. Create an Eye-Catching [...]

We’ve all done it before: thrown someone a baseball cap and walked out the door. We use them to go fishing, shopping, walking and of course as a fashion statement. But how many of us actually know about the early origins of baseball caps? The truth is, baseball caps are an integral part of our [...]

Promotional products can be personalized using a number of different methods, one of which is pad printing. This process is considered one of the most versatile printing processes; pad printing is most popular because of its ability to print on compound angles and three-dimensional objects. Pad printing is suited to small print areas and unusual [...]

Most people can agree that any meaningful wedding or birthday party wouldn’t be complete without a bunch of balloons. They’re a world famous party item and have been for a variety of events, product launches and celebrations. And while they enchant us, most of us don’t really know where modern day balloons came from. That’s [...]

Australia is world renowned for their premier surfing spots and beaches. And with close to 40,000 kilometers of coastline to work with, it’s easy to see why. In short, they offer the perfect amount of point breaks and swells that surfers are bound to love. Keep reading to learn more about the best surfing beaches [...]

It is quite clear that there are a wide variety of ways to advertise your products and services these days, and the advertising industry has been going strong for many years already. If you want to get the message out there about some amazing new product or service that you have to offer to the [...]

Sporting events are an important part of Australian culture. There are a number of sports that are enjoyed throughout the nation. This article takes a look at some of the most common types of sport currently played in Australia. 1. Cricket – Cricket is a popular sport which involves two teams battling it out against [...]

Most Aussies can agree that drinking beer is a national pastime. In fact, there are few things more relaxing then sipping on a cold beer while chatting with mates at a local pub. Most people already know that Australian beer comes in a wide variety of flavours. But in the end, it’s your own personal [...]

Promotional gifts make great fund raising items for charities, churches and clubs. So any charities or clubs that are looking for a way to raise money should seriously think about promotional gifts as a fund raising tool. How can you make money with promotional gifts? It’s very easy, by selecting products that are cheap enough [...]