As a small business owner, you should take every advantage that you can to break away from the pack and establish yourself as an authority within your specific industry. But with so many marketing strategies to choose from, how can you go about selecting the best one for your business? In the following sections, we are going to break down the six most popular small business marketing strategies and discuss how they work.
Marketing Strategy #1: Local Advertising with Google
Google has become the pioneer of local internet advertising and this has allowed a lot of small business owners to thrive in their particular geographic regions. IE-Plumber In South Perth. The first way to partake in this marketing method is to “Claim” your small business on sites like Four Square and Google Places. Make sure that you’re receiving reviews from your consumers and try to centralize your efforts on these areas as much as possible. Finally, search through local directories to ensure that you are ranked on them as well.
TIP: To draw people to your website online, try adding some promotional products to your offline marketing arsenal. Choose products that are unique, useful or that are somehow related to your business to really get a potential lead’s attention.
Marketing Strategy #2: Mobile Advertising
In today’s day and age, mobile advertising is more powerful than ever. Since the majority of people are using their mobile devices to access the Internet, you’ll want to reach them through this platform. Fortunately, mobile advertising is relatively simple to employ and can save you a lot of money if you’re a small business owner. Here are a few mobile marketing techniques to keep in mind:
- Make sure that your website is compatible on a wide range of mobile devices.
- Construct a text-message marketing campaign by collecting phone numbers in exchange for discounts on products and services.
- Incorporate QR codes into your mobile marketing campaigns and place them in relevant locations where your audience is most likely to spend their time.
- Make sure that you have a social media page for your business so that followers can reach you directly from their smartphones or mobile devices.
Marketing Method #3: Paid Product Searches with Google
Google offers small business owners the ability to partake in paid product searches so that they can receive more exposure. Even though you may have to pay, you will ultimately end up getting your product in front of thousands of eyes. Just keep in mind that you’ll want to have a relatively large budget readily available since you will be competing against larger businesses who are trying to outbid you for the product spotlight. In general, paid search results should only be approached if you’re confident that your product or service is going to sell. Make sure if your budget is limited to set a daily maximum spend in Goggle.
Marketing Method #4: Starting a Blog
Starting a blog for your business can be very beneficial and really ramp up the amount of engagement that you have between you and your customers. A well-written and organized blog will drive in more traffic as well as allow you to promote additional products and services without spending a dime. Not to mention, it can be a lot of fun for both you and your followers. Finally, blogging can provide you with an additional stream of income for your small business if you approach it correctly.
Marketing Method #5: Pamphlets and Brochures
Although this is an offline marketing technique, it can still be quite effective. In short, make sure that you are printing high-quality fliers that are going to express your brand in the best possible manner. There are print companies that you can turn to as a small business owner needing brochures or pamphlets: Do some searching online but your local printer may be just as inexpensive on price.
Marketing Method #6: Attending Business Conventions
Attending business conventions can be a great way to spend time with like-minded individuals as well as spread the word about your business. After paying a small fee, you can set-up a booth expressing your company’s message as well as the products and services that you offer. You could even consider giving away products for free as a way of gaining more followers and making a name for your brand.
With so many marketing strategies to choose from, it can be hard to select the one that best reflects your small business. Fortunately, we’ve compiled a list of the six more common ones so that you can begin experimenting until you find the one that works best for your company.